What is Arabic Coffee? How to Make It and More | 2023 Update

Halime Yılmaz


This comprehensive guide will provide you with insights into the various types of Arabic coffee, where to find it, and how to prepare it.

Arabic coffee holds significance beyond being a just beverage in the Arab world. It encompasses a way of life, deeply rooted in the culture and traditions of the region.

Unlike the fancy coffees often enjoyed in cafes, embracing foreign cultures means immersing yourself in their unique practices.

Let’s get started with explaining Arabic coffee meaning.

What is Arabic Coffee?

Arabic coffee, also known as Qahwa, is a traditional coffee method and beverage commonly consumed in Arab countries, particularly in the Arabian Peninsula. It is important in Arab hospitality and is often served to guests as a sign of welcome and respect.

Making Arabic coffee is distinct from other coffees in terms of its preparation and taste. The arabic coffee beans used are typically lightly roasted to preserve their mild flavor and are ground to a fine texture. The brewing process involves boiling the ground coffee with water in a special pot called a dallah or a briki. It is often infused with various aromatic spices such as cardamom, saffron, cloves, or cinnamon, which add depth and fragrance to the brew.

For The Ultimate Guide: Coffee Beans

So, how to serve Arabic coffee?

Traditionally, Arabic coffee is served in small cups called finjan or demitasse cups. The coffee is poured from a long-spouted coffee pot. It is customary to serve coffee with dates to balance the bitter taste.

Arabic Coffee Ingredients

Here we have listed Arabic coffee ingredients for you.

  • 13 grams of coarsely ground coffee (approximately 1.5 tablespoons)
  • 900 ml of filtered water (around 3.8 cups)
  • 1 teaspoon of ground cardamom ( Cardamom is the most common spice added to Arabic coffee. It gives the coffee a distinctive and aromatic flavor. The cardamom pods are usually crushed or ground before adding them to the coffee)
  • A cup of Arabic coffee
  • Arabic coffee maker ( dalla )

Optional Arabic Coffee ingredients:

  • Pinch of Ground Cloves
  • Pinch of Ground Ginger
  • Pinch of Saffron
  • Cinnamon Stick

Types of Arabic Coffee

Arabic coffee can be categorized into different types based on variations in preparation methods and regional preferences. Here are some common types of Arabic coffee.

  • Regular Arabic Coffee This is the basic form of Arabic coffee, prepared by boiling lightly roasted and ground coffee beans with water. It is typically flavored with cardamom, which gives it a distinct taste and aroma.

  • Yemeni Qishr coffee That's the coffee that gets made using the qishr of coffee, which is Arabic for "the covering" of coffee beans. It spreads quickly, especially in rural areas, and spices aren't usually added to it.

  • Saudi Arabian Style In Saudi Arabia, Arabic coffee is often prepared without spices and is known for its strong flavor. It is commonly served in small cups alongside dates as a symbol of hospitality.

  • Emirati Style Emirati Arabic coffee, popular in the United Arab Emirates, is characterized by its mild flavor and the use of saffron. Saffron threads are added to the coffee during the brewing process, giving it a rich golden color and a unique taste.

  • Moroccan Style Moroccan Arabic coffee, also known as Maghrebi coffee, is prepared by adding spices such as cardamom, cloves, and cinnamon to the coffee during the brewing process. It is typically served sweet and can be flavored with orange blossom water or rosewater.

  • Gulf Style Gulf-style Arabic coffee is commonly served in Gulf countries like Kuwait, Qatar, and Bahrain. It is often prepared with a mixture of spices, including cardamom, saffron, cloves, and sometimes rosewater. The coffee is known for its strong aroma and is served in small cups.

These are just a few examples of the different types of Arabic coffee found across various Arab countries and regions. Each type has its own unique characteristics and variations, making Arabic coffee a diverse and culturally significant beverage.

How to Make Arabic Coffee

To make Arabic coffee:

1- In a coffee pot or a saucepan, add the filtered water.

2- Place the pot on the stovetop and Boil the water on a stovetop coffee maker

3- Once the water is boiling, reduce the heat to low.

4- Add the coarsely ground coffee to the pot and let it simmer for a few minutes, allowing the flavors to infuse into the water.

5- Stir in the ground cardamom, pinch of cloves, pinch of ginger, and pinch of saffron.

6- Let the coffee continue to simmer for another minute or two, ensuring the flavors blend well.

7- Remove the pot from the heat and let it sit for a couple of minutes to allow the coffee grounds to settle at the bottom.

8- Pour the Arabic coffee into small cups, avoiding disturbing the sediment at the bottom.

9- Serve the Arabic coffee hot and enjoy it with dates.

Check out our Brew Guides for more Arabic coffee recipe.

How to Serve Arabic Coffee

Serving Arabic coffee is a tradition in Middle Eastern culture. So, how to serve Arabic coffee?

Step #1: Arabic coffee is traditionally brewed and served in a special long-spouted coffee pot called a dallah.

Step #2: Use medium to finely ground Arabic coffee beans. The coffee should be lightly roasted and aromatic.

Step #3: In the dallah, add water and bring it to a simmer. For every cup of water, use about 1 tablespoon of ground coffee. You can also add cardamom or other desired spices for flavor.

Step #4: Allow the coffee to simmer gently for about 5-10 minutes. This slow brewing process extracts the flavors and aromas from the coffee.

Step #5: Arabic coffee is traditionally served in small handle-less cups called finjan or demitasse cups. These cups are often ornately decorated and can be made of porcelain or glass.

Step #6: Hold the dallah with one hand and use the long spout to pour the coffee into the cups. The host often serves the guests by starting with the eldest or most honored guest and continuing in a clockwise direction.

Step #7: Along with the coffee, it is customary to serve dates, dried fruits, or traditional sweets like baklava to complement the coffee's flavors.

Step #8: Arabic coffee is sipped slowly, savoring the rich flavors and enjoying the social atmosphere. It is common to have multiple rounds of coffee served during gatherings.

About the Arabic Coffee Machine

Arabic coffee machines, also known as Dallah Arabic coffee makers or Arabic coffee pots, are specially designed to brew traditional Arabic coffee. These machines are gaining popularity as they offer a convenient way to prepare Arabic coffee at home or in commercial settings. Here are some key points about Arabic coffee machines:

Arabic coffee machines typically feature a unique and ornate design, resembling the traditional dallah or coffee pots used in Middle Eastern culture. They often have a tall, slim shape with a long spout for pouring.

Arabic coffee machines are available in both electric and stovetop versions. Electric models are equipped with a heating element and require a power source, while stovetop models are placed directly on a stovetop burner for heating.

Many modern Arabic coffee machines come with convenient features such as automatic shut-off, temperature control, and adjustable brewing time to ensure consistent and optimal coffee preparation.

Like any coffee machine, Arabic coffee machines require regular cleaning and maintenance. It's important to follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding cleaning and descaling to keep the machine in good condition.

Arabic Coffee Benefits

Arabic coffee has been linked to various benefits, such as enhancing digestion and alleviating digestive issues like constipation. It contributes to boosting the immune system and promoting overall well-being, thereby reducing stress and enhancing mood.

Additionally, it aids in weight loss by supporting fat burning and preventing the accumulation of cholesterol in blood vessels, which can lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The abundance of antioxidants in Arabic coffee promotes healthy skin by preventing wrinkles.

Moreover, it aids in hydration due to its substantial levels of potassium and sodium, and these electrolytes also assist in regulating blood pressure.

  • Strengthens the immune system

  • Reduces stress

  • Improves mood

  • Supports fat burning

  • Reduces cholesterol accumulation

  • Prevents wrinkles

  • Helps with hydration

Where Can You Buy Arabic Coffee in Dubai?

Searching for Arabic coffee near me? You can buy Arabic coffee in Dubai in various places. Here are some places where you can buy Arabic coffee in Dubai.

1- Local Markets and Souks: Visit traditional markets and souks to buy Arabic coffee in Dubai, such as the Spice Souk in Deira or the Global Village, where you can easily find several Arabic coffee roaster and Arabic coffee supplier.

2- Specialty Coffee Shops: Explore specialty coffee shops and arabic coffee roaster in Dubai that offer a selection of Arabic coffee. Some popular ones include Traum Kaffee Roastery or Raw Coffee.

3- Supermarkets: Major supermarket chains like Carrefour, Spinneys, and Choithrams have sections for coffee, including Arabic coffee. Look for packaged Arabic coffee blends or whole beans in the coffee aisle. But we don’t recommend supermarket coffees as they are not fresh.

4- Online Retailers: Consider buying Arabic coffee online from websites or marketplaces that deliver to Dubai. Traum Kaffee has an online store where you can order best Arabic coffee.

Do You Sell Arabic Coffee Wholesale in Dubai?

Are you in search of a reliable supplier for wholesale Arabic coffee in Dubai? Traum Kaffee sells Arabic Coffee wholesale in Dubai.

When you choose Traum Kaffee for your wholesale needs, you gain access to many benefits. We source the best Arabic coffee beans, ensuring each batch is carefully selected and expertly roasted to perfection.

To explore the wholesale opportunities and learn more about the range of products available, please mail us at [email protected]

How Long Does Arabic Coffee Stay Fresh?

Freshly roasted Arabic coffee beans can stay fresh for several weeks to a few months if stored properly. However, once the coffee is ground, it starts to lose its freshness more quickly. Ground Arabic coffee is more susceptible to oxidation and flavor degradation due to increased surface area exposure.

Extra Tip: Buy whole beans! Whole Arabic coffee beans have a longer shelf life compared to pre-ground coffee. Grind the beans just before brewing for the best flavor.

Would you like whole Arabic coffee beans? Check out our website!

Contact Traum For Arabic Coffee

Arabic coffee opens doors to cultural exchange, inviting you to the traditions and customs of the Middle East. It often brewed with cardamom and served with hospitality, provides not only a delicious taste but also a glimpse into the customs and traditions of the region.

Throughout this blog article, we have explored the Arabic coffee meaning, types of Arabic coffee, Arabic coffee recipe, and Arabic coffee benefits. We have learned how it brings people together, fosters Arabic coffee weight loss, and listed Arabic coffee roaster and Arabic coffee supplier in Dubai.

So, why not embark on your own journey into the world of Arabic coffee? Explore different roasts, and experiment with spices; try Arabic coffee in Dubai!

Traum has the best Arabic coffee Buy!

for more contact with us



  • How much caffeine is in Arabic coffee?

Arabic coffee typically contains less caffeine compared to regular brewed coffee. Arabic coffee caffeine can vary depending on factors such as the type of beans used, the brewing method, and the serving size. On average, a 1-ounce (30 ml) serving of Arabic coffee contains about 40-60 milligrams of caffeine. A standard 8-ounce (240 ml) cup of brewed coffee usually contains around 95 milligrams of caffeine.

  • How many calories are in Arabic coffee?

30 ml serving of Arabic coffee contains about 1-2 calories. To keep the calorie count low, it is best to enjoy Arabic coffee without any additions or opt for healthier alternatives such as using natural sweeteners like dates or enjoying it black.

  • How do you say coffee in Arabic?

In Arabic, the word for coffee is "قهوة" pronounced as "qahwah".

  • Arabic coffee quotes

Here we have chosen the best Arabic coffee quotes for you.

القهوة تحرّك العقل وتنهض الروح.

Al-qahwa taharrak al-'aql wa tanhid al-ruh / Coffee stimulates the mind and uplifts the spirit.

بين الكلام والقهوة، تختصر الحكايات

Bayna al-kalam wal-qahwa, tukhtasir al-hikayat / Between words and coffee, stories are condensed.

  • Difference between Turkish coffee and Arabic coffee?

Turkish coffee and Arabic coffee are different in terms of preparation, brewing method, and taste. Turkish coffee is prepared by boiling finely ground coffee with water in a cezve, while Arabic coffee is made by simmering coarsely ground coffee beans in a pot with water. Turkish coffee is typically served in small cups with the grounds, while Arabic coffee is poured without the grounds. The taste and aroma of the two coffees also are different.

  • Is Arabic coffee healthy?

Arabic coffee can be part of a healthy lifestyle. It contains antioxidants and may provide mental stimulation due to Arabic coffee caffeine content. But excessive consumption or adding too much sugar can have negative health effects.