Discover the Rich Aroma and Flavors of Ethiopian Coffee | Guide

Halime Yılmaz


Ethiopia is known for its coffee, which is not only the national beverage but also a cherished part of their culture.

Unlike the quick coffee-to-go trend in the United States, Ethiopians enjoy coffee throughout the day, always in the company of others. They buy Ethiopian coffee and talk for hours.

Ethiopian coffee beans are highly prized for their exceptional quality and are considered the best in the world. Coffee is deeply intertwined with Ethiopian society, and they even have expressions and proverbs highlighting its importance. They say "Buna bofta" - means "coffee is a ceremony," highlighting the ceremonial nature of coffee in Ethiopian culture and the importance of taking the time to enjoy and appreciate it.

For coffee beans in Dubai!

If you're a coffee lover, trying Ethiopian coffee should be on your list and the first thing you need to do is to search Ethiopian coffee near me’ or best Ethiopian coffee roasters as it is all around the world nowadays.

Well, if you buy Ethiopian coffee online, read on.

This guide will help you explore Ethiopian coffee history, best Ethiopian coffee beans, flavors, Ethiopian coffee beans taste, Ethiopian coffee beans price, Ethiopian coffee types, Ethiopian coffee beans flavor, roasting methods, and the regions where they are grown.

Of course, we did not forget to teach you how to make Ethiopian coffee.

What is Ethiopian Coffee?

Ethiopian coffee is a coffee type that is grown and produced in Ethiopia, a country located in the Horn of Africa.

It holds a special significance in the world of coffee, as Ethiopia is considered the birthplace of coffee itself.

The coffee plants in Ethiopia are predominantly of the Coffea arabica species, known for producing high-quality coffee beans. The country's diverse microclimates, fertile soil, and optimal altitude provide ideal conditions for coffee cultivation.

The coffee is grown in different regions of Ethiopia, each with its own distinct characteristics and flavor profiles.

Ethiopian coffee is often celebrated for its bright acidity, floral and fruity notes, and complex flavors. It can exhibit a wide range of flavor profiles, including citrus, berries, chocolate, wine-like characteristics, and even floral aromas. The flavors and aromas can vary depending on the specific region, altitude, soil type, and processing methods used.

Ethiopia has a deep-rooted coffee culture that spans centuries, with coffee playing a significant role in social gatherings and daily life. The traditional coffee ceremony, known as "buna," is a cherished cultural practice in Ethiopia. It involves roasting the coffee beans, grinding them, and brewing the coffee in a special pot called a jebena. The process is accompanied by rituals and serves as a time for bonding and socializing.

The History of Ethiopian Coffee

The discovery of coffee in Ethiopia is a captivating blend of history and legend.

While the exact boundary between the two is blurred, experts generally agree that Ethiopia is the sole origin of coffee in the world.

Legend has it that a goat herder named Kaldi stumbled upon the energizing effects of coffee when he noticed his goats munching on cherries from a certain tree. Curious about this unusual behavior, Kaldi brought some cherries to local monks, hoping they could shed light on the matter.

Concerned that the cherries might possess malevolent powers, the monks tossed them into a fire. However, as the cherries burned, a captivating aroma filled the air, enticing the monks to rescue them from the flames. They ground the roasted cherries and combined them with water, giving birth to the very first brewed coffee. Thus, the art of drinking coffee supposedly originated.

While historians consider the story of Kaldi to be more of a fable, it is believed that coffee was actually discovered by the Galla tribe, a nomadic group in Ethiopia.

Since its discovery, coffee has become Ethiopia's leading export, enduring government changes and social transformations.

Even today, coffee accounts for a significant 60% of Ethiopia's exports.

Ethiopian Coffee Types

Ethiopian coffee is famous for its vibrant fruity and floral qualities, which contribute to its distinct flavor. These coffees are known for their complex taste profiles, ranging from light to medium-bodied, and often exhibit a pronounced acidity.

The final flavor of Ethiopian coffee is greatly influenced by the processing method used.

Different techniques, such as sun-drying or wet processing, contribute to the unique characteristics of the beans and strength of Ethiopian coffee.

Ethiopian coffee types come in three varieties:

- Longberry: These Ethiopian coffee types are known for their larger size and exceptional quality. It is considered the best Ethiopian coffee type among the three varieties.

- Shortberry: Although smaller in size compared to longberry, the shortberry variety still maintains a high level of quality and flavor.

- Mocha: The mocha variety may be more modest in size, but it offers a diverse flavor profile. It often presents a touch of acidity, hints of spice, and a subtle note of chocolate.

These distinct Ethiopian coffee bean types provide coffee lovers with a range of flavor options to explore and enjoy. Contact us and order ethiopian coffee online!


How Ethiopian Coffee Beans Are Processed?

Ethiopian coffee beans undergo two main processing methods:

  • Sun-drying
  • Wet processing

Let's explore each process together:


First, the cherries are carefully sorted by hand, ensuring that only the best-quality and denser ones proceed to the next stage. These selected cherries are then placed on raised drying beds, typically constructed using wooden posts covered with burlap or nylon netting.

The beds are positioned in sunny areas, allowing the cherries to naturally dry over a period of several weeks.

Once dried, the husks are removed through milling, and the beans are finally packaged for sale.

This traditional method takes advantage of the sun's heat and is an integral part of Ethiopian coffee production.

Wet Processing

The cherries are immersed in water to begin the sorting process, as the less dense ones float while the denser cherries sink.

After this initial sorting, eco-pulpers are used to remove the cherry skin, revealing the parchment coffee. To eliminate the remaining mucilage, the parchment coffee is placed in a fermentation tank for two or three days.

Subsequently, the coffee undergoes a twelve-hour soaking period in a separate tank.

Once soaked, it is transferred to raised beds to dry for approximately two weeks. Following the drying process, the dried coffee is carefully inspected to identify any damaged beans.

The good beans are then sent to a warehouse for further dry processing before being packaged for sale.

Processing coffee berries in Ethiopia involves significant manual labor, as the cherries and beans are handled multiple times throughout the production chain before reaching the market.

How to Make Ethiopian Coffee

To make Ethiopian coffee, there are several brewing methods you can try at home.

  • Start with the best Ethiopian coffee beans. Choose an Ethiopian coffee type that suits your taste.

  • Grind the roasting Ethiopian coffee beans just before brewing to preserve the flavors.

  • For Ethiopian coffee, a medium-fine to medium-coarse grind is commonly used, depending on the brewing method.

  • Select a brewing method that you prefer, such as pour-over, French press, or espresso. Each method will require specific equipment and steps.

  • For pour-over brewing, pre-wet the filter and vessel, add the ground coffee, and pour hot water in a controlled manner, allowing the coffee to bloom and extracting the flavors gradually. Pre-wet the filter and vessel, add 25g of coffee, and pour water at 200-205°F. Let it bloom for 30 seconds, then continue pouring water until 1:30-2:15 minutes. Let the remaining water drip until 2:30-3:00 minutes, then serve.

  • For French press brewing, use coarser coffee grounds and pour hot water at 200-205°F. Let it bloom for 30 seconds, then pour the rest of the water. After a few minutes, press the plunger and serve.

  • If making espresso, use an espresso machine and finely ground coffee. Extract the coffee under high pressure for a concentrated and intense flavor.

  • For a refreshing option, try the Cold Brew method. Mix coffee grounds and water in a ratio of 1:4, then let it steep for 12-18 hours. Filter the coffee concentrate and serve it over ice, diluting with water as desired.

  • Serve the brewed Ethiopian coffee in your favorite cup or mug, and enjoy it as it is if you are concerned about calories in Ethiopian coffee without sugar or with a touch of milk or cream.

What do Ethiopian Coffee Beans Taste Like?

Ethiopian coffee is known for having a floral flavor with hints of wine and a small aftertaste of berries.

Depending on the area, they have a medium to high acidity, a light to medium body, and a variety of taste notes.

Most of the fruity, wine-like, and flowery tastes come from the fact that the Ethiopian coffee beans are often dried while still inside the cherry fruit of the coffee plant.

Benefits of Drinking Ethiopian Coffee Beans

Drinking Ethiopian coffee beans offers several benefits.

Ethiopian coffee has a rich flavor profile unlike other coffee types.

Ethiopian coffee is known for its vibrant and complex flavor profile, often showcasing fruity, floral, and wine-like notes.

It provides a unique and enjoyable sensory experience for coffee lovers.

Ethiopian coffee is a source of antioxidant.

Coffee is a rich source of antioxidants, and Ethiopian coffee is no exception.

Antioxidants help combat free radicals in the body, which can contribute to overall health and well-being.

Ethiopian coffee is a caffeine boost.

Ethiopian coffee beans contain caffeine, a natural stimulant that can increase alertness, improve focus, and enhance cognitive function.

Moderate consumption of caffeine can provide a temporary energy boost.

Ethiopian coffee has health benefits.

Research suggests that coffee consumption, in general, may be associated with a reduced risk of various health conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and certain types of cancer.

Enjoying Ethiopian coffee as part of a balanced diet could potentially contribute to overall health.


How Long Does Ethiopian Coffee Stay Fresh?

Generally, to ensure freshness and flavor, it is recommended to consume Ethiopian coffee within 2 to 4 weeks from the roast date. During this period, the coffee will retain its aroma, flavor, and quality.

To prolong the freshness of Ethiopian coffee, it is important to store it properly.

Keep the coffee beans in an airtight container away from light, moisture, and strong odors. Avoid storing them in the refrigerator or freezer, as the moisture and fluctuating temperatures can affect the flavor and quality of the coffee.

Where Can You Buy Ethiopian Coffee in Dubai?

It is not impossible to find Ethiopian coffee beans for sale in Dubai. There are lots of Ethiopian coffee distributors or best ethiopian coffee roasters in Dubai.

Traum Kaffee is one of the popular coffee shops that offers the best Ethiopian coffee in Dubai. You can go and buy Ethiopian Coffee in Dubai or you can order Ethiopian coffee online on our website. Contact us and order ethiopian coffee online!

Contact Traum for Ethiopian Coffee

Looking to explore the rich flavors of Ethiopian coffee beans dubai?

Discover a wide range of Ethiopian coffee varieties, from the vibrant and fruity Yirgacheffe to the bold and complex Sidamo.

At Traum Kaffee, we offer both wholesale and retail Ethiopian coffee beans dubai options to cater to your specific needs.

To explore our selection of premium Ethiopian coffee beans and learn more about how you can enjoy this exceptional beverage, contact us today.

for more contact with us



  • Why is Ethiopian coffee so special?

Ethiopian coffee is special because it is the birthplace of coffee, known for its exceptional flavor profile with vibrant fruity and floral characteristics, and boasts a rich diversity of coffee varieties. What are the best Ethiopian coffee beans? Yirgacheffe, Sidamo, and Harrar are some of the best Ethiopian coffee beans known for their quality and flavor.

  • Are Ethiopian coffee beans Arabica or Robusta?

Ethiopian coffee beans are predominantly of the Arabica variety. Arabica coffee is known for its superior quality, delicate flavors, and pleasant acidity. While there are some areas in Ethiopia where Robusta coffee is grown, the majority of Ethiopian coffee production consists of Arabica beans.

  • Why is Ethiopian coffee so good?

Ethiopian coffee is considered exceptional due to its rich history, unique flavor profile, diverse varieties, favorable growing conditions, traditional processing methods, and the cultural significance attached to coffee in Ethiopia.

  • Does Ethiopian coffee have more caffeine?

No, Ethiopian coffee does not have more caffeine than other types of coffee. The caffeine content in coffee is primarily influenced by factors such as the coffee bean variety, roast level, brewing method, and serving size.

  • How much caffeine is in Ethiopian coffee?

On average, a standard 8-ounce (240 ml) cup of brewed Ethiopian coffee typically contains around 95-165 milligrams of caffeine.

  • How many calories are in Ethiopian coffee?

A serving size of 1 cup (8 fl oz) of Ethiopian coffee contains approximately 2.4 calories. Out of these calories, 0.5 calories come from fat, which accounts for about 19% of the total calories.

  • Differences between Colombian vs Ethiopian coffee

Colombian coffee is known for its balanced flavor with caramel and nutty notes, while Ethiopian coffee offers a more complex and vibrant flavor experience with fruity and floral characteristics.

  • Differences between Kenyan vs Ethiopian coffee

Kenyan coffee is characterized by its bright acidity, full body, and complex flavor profile, while Ethiopian coffee is known for its diverse flavors, ranging from floral to fruity notes.